The PAC, standing for Phokaia Arts Centre, tries to integrate different fields of art with the lovely province of Phokaia. With seasonally changing art installations, PAC generates an urban art park, accessible to all. Located just underneath the Windmill Hill, PAC tries to transform the valley into a colorful panorama of art. The scenario also includes a theatre complex and spaces for digital art exhibition. Being influenced from the traditional courtyards of the local houses, the units are all defined by continuous Phokaia stone walls. The approach is rather indirect with an on-foot journey from the Foça – İzmir highway. This further elaborates the concept of “experience versus time”. The stage includes a pedestrian tube that connects the two opposite sides of the hill. At times when there’s no play, the complex can still be open for those who want to experience installations or exhibitions on their own. PAC also makes use of the surrounding natural elements such as the gigantic rocks nearby and the valley form. Altogether, PAC tries to create a fusion of avant-garde theatre, digital arts and modern art installations.

PAC | Phokaia Arts Centre
METU ARCH302 | Architectural Design IV
Spring 2020
course conducted by
Prof. Dr. Mualla ERKILIÇ